Annie’s first book.
Better than Heloise’s Hints for A Healthy Planet…. — Library Journal, July, 1990
For those concerned about the environment, and the growing population with chemical sensitivities, Annie Berthold-Bond has the solution – actually 500 of them – in her book Clean & Green. Using her thoroughly researched and personally tested formulas for easy-to-make, nontoxic and nonpolluting household cleaning aids, it is possible to eliminate the health hazards of standard commercial products. — Ontario’s Common Ground Magazine, Spring 1993
In a remarkably easy-to-use format, Berthold-Bond tells how to clean effectively using simple, natural ingredients such a baking soda, Borax, lemon juice, vegetable oil and vinegar. She makes a convincing argument that cleaning with natural products can be handier, cheaper and just as effective as the alternative. — Home, March 1991
It is a gold mine of ideas for cleaning everything imaginable. — Natural Health, March/April 1994
The result of her years of experimentation is not only an encyclopedia for environmental cleanliness, but also a laundry list of solutions of solutions for everyday puzzlers. — Garbage Magazine, March/April 1991
Product Description
485 ways to clean, polish, disinfect, deodorize, launder, remove stains, even wash your car, without harming yourself or the environment. Recipes based on harmless, nonpolluting, renewable ingredients. 160 pages, recycled paper/vegetable ink, paperback.